Planning a winter wedding can be a daunting task for any couple, but for couples who live in the Midwest, there are so many more factors to consider. Weather will always factor in, but there are other things you should consider that make planning your winter wedding a little more challenging. Take a look at our ultimate guide to help you plan the perfect winter wedding!

What to Consider When Planning a Winter Wedding in the Midwest

When you're planning a winter wedding in the Midwest, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the weather can be unpredictable, so it's important to have a backup plan in case of inclement weather. Second, because it's winter, you'll want to make sure your venue is well-heated and comfortable for your guests. Third, you'll need to make sure your wedding dress is appropriate for the cold weather. And finally, don't forget to account for the shorter days when you're planning your timeline.

Setting a Wedding Date

The date of your wedding is one of the most important aspects of your wedding planning. You will want to choose a date that is convenient for you and your guests and also allows you enough time to plan and execute all the details of your wedding.

There are a few things to consider when choosing a date for your winter wedding in the Midwest:

1. Weather: The weather in the Midwest can be unpredictable, so you will want to choose a date that has the least chance of being impacted by bad weather. The best months for weather in the Midwest are December, January, and February.

2. Venue Availability: Many popular venues in the Midwest book up well in advance, so you will want to secure your venue before choosing a date. Once you have secured your venue, you can then start narrowing down dates based on availability.

3. Holiday Schedule: If you are planning a winter wedding, there is a good chance that some of your guests will already have holiday plans. You will want to avoid major holidays like Christmas and New Year’s Eve, as well as any other holidays that may impact your guest list.

4. School Schedule: If you or any of your guests have school-age children, you will need to take the school schedule into consideration when choosing a date. Winter break is usually the best time for families with school-age children to travel.

5. Budget: The cost of weddings can vary greatly depending on the time of year. Weddings in the peak wedding season (May-September) tend to be more expensive than weddings in the off-season (October-April). If you are on a tight budget, you may want to consider getting married in the off-season.

Once you have considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your date options. Once you have chosen a date, be sure to book your venue and other vendors as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute stressful surprises.

How to Plan a Budget

When it comes to planning a winter wedding in the Midwest, one of the most important things to keep in mind is your budget. After all, with so many expenses associated with weddings, it’s crucial that you plan ahead and allocate your funds accordingly.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a few tips on how to plan a budget for your winter wedding:

1. Determine How Much You Can Afford to Spend

The first step in planning a budget is to determine how much you can realistically afford to spend on your wedding. This will require taking a close look at your income and expenses and estimating what you can afford to put towards your nuptials.

2. Create a Wedding Savings Plan

Once you know how much you can afford to spend on your wedding, the next step is to create a savings plan. This may involve setting up a separate savings account specifically for your wedding fund or simply setting aside money each month to put towards your big day.

3. Make a List of Priorities

Now that you have an idea of how much you can afford to spend and are saving up accordingly, it’s time to start making a list of priorities. What aspects of the wedding are most important to you? Is there anything you can sacrifice in order to stay within budget? By identifying your priorities, you can start making decisions about where to allocate your funds.

4. Get Creative  With Your Budget

There are plenty of ways to save money on your winter wedding without sacrificing the overall quality of your big day.

Finding the Right Venues

If you're planning a winter wedding in the Midwest, you'll need to find the right venues to make your big day special. Here are a few tips to help you find the perfect venue for your winter wedding:

- Start by searching for venues that are located in the Midwest. This will help you narrow down your options and find venues that are familiar with the region's weather conditions.

- Once you've found a few potential venues, schedule visits to tour each one. This will give you a chance to see the space in person and get a feel for how your wedding would look and feel at each venue.

- Ask each venue about their experience hosting winter weddings. Find out if they have any special tips or advice for planning a successful winter wedding.

- Get quotes from each venue so that you can compare pricing and services. This will help you choose the venue that best fits your budget and needs.

Tips for a Successful Wedding Day

As the big day approaches, here are a few tips to help make your winter wedding in the Midwest a success:

1. Don't let the weather get you down. Remember that even though it may be cold outside, you and your guests will be warm and cozy inside. Focus on the positive and enjoy the unique beauty of a winter wonderland wedding.

2. Plan ahead for transportation. If you're having a destination wedding, make sure your guests have plenty of time to make travel arrangements. And if you're getting married during a snowy season, consider hiring a shuttle service to transport your guests from the ceremony to the reception.

3. Choose your vendors carefully. When it comes to planning a winter wedding, it's important to choose vendors who are experienced in working with weddings during colder months. Ask around for recommendations or look for reviews online before making any decisions.

4. Embrace the season with your decor. Winter is a great time to use seasonal elements like evergreens, candles, and twinkling lights in your decorating scheme. Get creative and have fun with it!

5. Keep your guests comfortable. Make sure you have enough heaters and blankets on hand to keep your guests comfortable during an outdoor ceremony or reception. And don't forget about providing warm drinks like hot chocolate or apple cider to help everyone thaw out!

Creating Your Wedding Theme and Color Scheme

When it comes to planning a winter wedding in the Midwest, one of the most important things to consider is your wedding theme and color scheme. After all, these are the elements that will help to set the tone for your big day and make it truly unique.

If you're stuck on what direction to take your theme and color scheme in, here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Consider a festive holiday theme. This could include incorporating traditional Christmas colors like red and green, or choosing more unique hues like silver and blue. You could also use holiday-themed décor like wreaths, garlands, and candles to really bring the theme to life.

2. Go for a romantic vibe with a Valentine's Day theme. Red is obviously the key color here, but you could also incorporate pink and white for a softer look. Again, there are lots of fun ways to decorate with this theme in mind - think hearts, roses, and chocolates!

3. Embrace the beauty of winter with an icy blue color scheme. This can be accented with sparkling whites and silvers for a truly magical effect. To really bring the winter wonderland feel to life, consider using snowflakes, icicles, and other wintery details in your décor.

No matter what direction you choose to go with your wedding theme and color scheme, just remember that it should reflect your personal style and taste as a

Choosing Your Menu and Flowers

If you’re planning a winter wedding in the Midwest, you’ll want to choose a menu and flowers that reflect the season. Seasonal ingredients like cranberries, pomegranates, and citrus fruits can add a festive touch to your menu. For flowers, consider using evergreens, holly, or poinsettias.

What to Wear on Your Big Day

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, so you want to make sure you look and feel your best. Here are some tips on what to wear on your big day:

- Stick to a palette of neutral colors like black, white, and gray. This will help you stay warm while still looking chic.

- Opt for fabrics that are heavy and will keep you warm, like wool or cashmere.

- If you're getting married outdoors, make sure to wear a coat or cape over your dress to keep you warm.

- Choose footwear that's both stylish and practical. Heels may not be the best choice if you're getting married in the snow!

We hope this guide has given you some helpful tips on how to plan a winter wedding in the Midwest. With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can have the winter wedding of your dreams. Just remember to keep your guests in mind when making decisions about the date and location of your wedding, and be sure to have a backup plan for bad weather!

If you're a winter bride who's looking for a photographer to capture your special day, we've got you! Contact us today to learn more about Forever Memories by Gwen and how we can help you create beautiful photographs to remember your special day for the rest of your lives!