It's hard to argue with the assertion that life is better when we're living in it rather than just looking in. For me, photography has been one of the most important ways to experience life.

I never considered myself a creative person. I was always the "math and science" type in school and never saw myself pursuing any sort of artistic career. But then I picked up a camera for the first time, and everything changed.

Photography has given me a new way of seeing the world. It's allowed me to find beauty in the everyday and to document the special moments that make up our lives. It's also helped me to meet so many amazing people and to travel to some incredible places.

I truly believe that photography has changed my life for the better, and I am so grateful to have found this passion. If you're thinking about picking up a camera or if you're already a photographer, I hope this article inspires you to keep going. There is so much beauty waiting to be captured!

How I got into photography

When I first started out in my career, I worked in IT, and if I'm being honest, I actually really loved it! Helping people fix their problems and working to find a solution was fulfilling and fun! However, the hours were long, and the work was stressful! Over the years, expectations got higher, and the pressure and stress began to feel like way too much.  Then I became a mom, and I knew that something had to change.

Photography is something I've always loved. Capturing that perfect image that brings joy every time you see it was something that I found such passion in.  So, I decided that I would take this hobby of mine and turn it into a new career where I could find freedom, creativity, and most of all, be there for my kids as they grew up. 

So, Forever Memories by Gwen was born! 

Why I love photography

Photography has always been a passion of mine. It started as a hobby when I was younger and quickly developed into something much more. Over the years, photography has changed my life in so many ways. It's given me a creative outlet, a way to express myself, and even a career.

Why do I love photography? There are really no words to describe it. It's just something that I'm drawn to. I love the way that a camera can capture a moment in time and turn it into a work of art. It's amazing how one click of the shutter can freeze time and preserve memories forever.

Photography has also given me the opportunity to travel and see the world in a different way. Through my lens, I've been able to capture some truly incredible places and moments. It's an amazing feeling to be able to share those experiences with others through my photos.

Lastly, photography has changed my life in terms of my career. What started as a hobby has now turned into something that I'm very passionate about professionally. I would never have guessed that my love for photography would lead me down this path, but I'm so grateful that it did.

So why do I love photography? There are really no words to describe it fully. But for me, it's simply about freezing time, capturing memories, and sharing experiences with others. It's changed my life in so many ways, and I wouldn't have it any other

How photography changed my life

Photography has completely changed my life. It's given me a new perspective on the world and has allowed me to connect with people in a whole new way. I have had the rare opportunity to witness the most beautiful moments in life, weddings, pregnancies, growing families, and milestone accomplishments. I've been blessed with the chance to see them all behind the lens of my camera.

I used to see the world through rose-colored glasses, but now I see things for what they really are. Photography has helped me to document the beauty in everyday life that I would have otherwise missed. It's also given me a way to capture and share special moments with friends and family.

But most importantly, photography has allowed me to meet so many amazing people from all over the world. Through my lens, I've been able to connect with them on a deeper level and create lasting friendships. I'm truly grateful for how photography has changed my life, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

I hope this article has shown you why I love photography and how it has changed my life. Photography is more than just taking pictures- it's about capturing moments, emotions, and stories. It's a way to connect with the world and document our lives. For me, photography is a way to slow down, appreciate the little things, and tell stories that might otherwise go untold. If you're thinking about picking up a camera, I encourage you to give it a try. You might just find that it changes your life too.

If you have a milestone moment coming up in your life and you want that moment to be captured to create a work of art that will be your Forever Memory, I'm your girl! I am passionate about giving my clients not just a photograph but a memory preserved in a beautiful image that they will treasure forever! 

Fall is the perfect time for beautiful outdoor photographs, from senior portraits to engagement photos or multi-generational family pictures. We do it all!

Give us a call to get started!